Thursday 18 September 2014

7th day, Tabita

Hi guys :)

Today I woke up early and noticed that I NO LONGER HAVE ACTIVE ACNE! Yeehaaaa! :D

Thanks to the miraculous Tabita Skincare, all of the acne and pimple I have been fighting with for the past 1 and a half month is finally completely gone. But the dark scar spots however are still very much visible which I believe in time, say another 1 or 2 months will vanish completely! :)

I noticed that my skin became fairer, and smoother! All these after just 7 days of using Tabita!

I have to admit though the 4th and 5th day, I looked gruesome. My face was completely red, like burnt prawn. skin was so tight, itchy and the burning sensation all over my face was very irritating, yet bearable. Still remember how I woke up on the 4th day, saw the skin on my face was peeling off, especially around mouth and nose area, I felt like a snake shedding its skin off! :P

I heard that to get maximum result of Tabita, you have to use it for at least 3 months, so considering that today is just the 7th day, I would say that the results so far has been wonderful! :)

There has been rumors around about this skin care, saying its dangerous for health, containing prohibited chemicals and whatnot. Well, to me, to get such dramatic result, fast, beautifying, mesmerizing effects, definitely some chemicals are used, I even heard that hidroquinone and mercury is prominent in this skincare, however the amount used is still on a safe level. That's why pregnant ladies are advised NOT to use Tabita.

But hey,

think about it, many people has spend thousands to get rid of skin problem they have been having for years, going to skin specialist, aesthetic clinics, beauty spas yet not be satisfied with the result they get, and by spending less than RM300 you could settle ALL your skin issues once and for all.

Who doesn't want that? I know I do. :) Cuz I was one of those who suffered a lot on my skin and spent thousands of RM yet still had skin issues which even made me lose my self confidence.

Now, I feel as confident as I never was! Skin problem? No more for me.
I can now live my life, free of shame of my own skin.

However, I did hear that once u started Tabita, never think of switching your product again.
Or your skin might suffer bad acne, and be worst than it ever was. anyhow, with how my skin looks like now, I don't intend to ever betray my lovely movely Tabita.

Now, outside skin structure has been repaired, time for internal cell modification!

My Glutax 75Gs is on its way. Can't wait to start my whitening injections for overall body whitening that actually last!
I know that many people are skeptical of all these whitening injections bla bla. But hey, it's your body, your call, not anyone else to make.
I tried this Glutax injection once, and it did work. Cuz I remember many friends told me that I looked fair when I was on this injection. However, due to some financial constraints, I stopped injecting for a while. But now, time to start again.

Say NO to skin problems! Say YES to skin solutions!

Beauty that is maintained is beauty that lasts.....and we all know, everybody wants to see something pretty. ;)
